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Efficient cutting

HECHT sawing systems are designed for cross-cutting and miter cutting of wood, aluminum and plastic profiles.

The EXENSO control principle, which has been proven for decades and is constantly being further developed, enables simple and intuitive operation via touchscreen. Data interfaces to industry software, ERP systems, databases and other sawing information sources are among our core competencies.

With the EXENSO control system, HECHT has been a pioneer in the industry for many years when it comes to data interfaces. The proven and popular operating concept is appreciated by customers and is used again and again for new investments. From length stops for retrofitting to existing saws/drilling machines/punching machines or similar, to fully automatic sawing centers, HECHT covers the entire range of possibilities for your application.

Solid mechanical engineering and innovative control technology with state-of-the-art software solutions and data connections from a single source is one of HECHT strengths as a partner.

We design and program ourselves, assemble the machines, take care of commissioning and offer comprehensive service.

Cutting glazing beads (wood)

Exenso Double Miter Saw DS350

You know when a glazing bead is sawn and then it doesn't fit?

Are you also content to have your employees re-cut a glazing bead several times or fabricate it several times until the dimensions are correct?

Do you require the miters to be tight, or are you fine with the miters having air in them? In many plants, glazing bead fabrication has never been closely scrutinized. We've always done it that way you hear there. Often, the sawing of glazing beads is reserved for a few very experienced and skilled employees. The process, when looked at closely, is very time consuming and costly, and wastes many precious resources to boot. Employees are usually frustrated because the way they work is not satisfactory. Glazing bead fabrication can be so much more efficient and so simple that anyone can cut glazing beads to fit after a short instruction. Productivity increases, costs decrease and employees are satisfied and motivated.

Cutting fly screen profiles

Exenso Double Miter Saw DS350

Have you ever wondered why you saw the small fly screen profiles with a saw blade of 600 mm diameter? Have you also ever observed how slowly such a large saw swivels and brings the saw head into the right position? If you need to move quickly in the season, you are wasting valuable time.

Cutting fly screen profiles with a small saw blade and a dynamic saw optimizes the entire cutting area. Large profiles can be cut on large saws and small profile cross-sections on small and dynamic, fast saws. If the cut quality and accuracy are then just right, you've got it made. Wouldn't that also be a real step forward for your fly screen production.

Of course, you read in the cutting lists via a data interface. A saw must be easy to operate so you can quickly train operators and bring them up to speed without lengthy training.

Picture frame cutting

Exenso DS350 Double Miter Saw

When sawing picture frames, it is enormously important to achieve high precision. The miters on the frame must be perfect, otherwise customers will perceive the product as inferior.

With a saw that is extremely easy to operate and yet offers enormously high precision, you can speed up your production processes enormously while maintaining consistently high quality.

A perfect cut pattern on the sawn mouldings is a prerequisite for a machine for picture frame mouldings anyway.

Reinforcing steel just-in-time

Exenso Automatic Steel Saw ESA

The highlight is that it cuts the steel just-in-time.

This means that you immediately have the right reinforcement for the suitably cut PVC profile, which is then transported to the operator.

Annoying sawing lists, a separate workstation and assigning the right reinforcement are now a thing of the past. The automatic steel saw feeds the steel, saws off the desired length and transports the steel to the removal position. The operator removes the bars according to the FIFO principle and can insert the PVC profiles directly before processing.

Sash measure for glazing beads

GMF Wireless Measurement Pusher

Perfect glazing beads can only be produced with correct lengths. If the lengths are not correct, the glazing bead frames will not fit accurately and the miters will not be visually appealing.

If the measurements are taken directly at the sash, the best possible results can be achieved.

Fast measurement, error-free transmission of the values by radio to the saw, precise miter cuts and thus accurately fitting glazing beads.

Digitization in cutting

Data interfaces Exenso Control

Have you ever thought about the effort it takes to create cutting lists, print them out, distribute them to the workstations, collect them again and report the data back to the system? If you then add in the possible sources of error and the effort involved, it quickly becomes clear that there is enormous potential for optimization. Plus, working with paper isn't exactly motivating and discourages potential employees instead of retaining them. Data interfaces don't have to be complicated. In most cases, data is already available in electronic form and machine-readable preparation is usually not difficult. With a data interface, you reduce many different sources of error, increase productivity and boost employee motivation.

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    Ottmarsheimer Hoehe
    Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 3-5
    74354 Besigheim